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everywhere I see you, you see god 


We Both liked water 

After you died, 

I stole the seashells you collected as a girl 

Lined up by the baths edge 

We both read 

After you died, 

I stole the lamp by you bed

I use it to read books that you would never 

place on any high shelf 


We both worked to earn respect 

After you died, 

I stole your silver hairbrush and mirror set 

To this day I never leave the house without a full face. 

I guess you taught me that

The generational gap doesn't seem so small when I look at the treasures I possess

Yet I never really knew you 

clutched a cross up until your last breath. 

You spent my whole life fishing 

Yet I will continue to pick up the seashells by your feet, 

that you neglect. 

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